Sailor has been producing burlesque for events both public and private audiences since 2010. Best known for her flagship show, Tuesday Tease, which combines burlesque and live music, Sailor's approach toward crafting events is defined by collaboration and variety. Whether it's combining literary readings with striptease in Naked Bunch, or making burlesque magical with Accio Burlesque: A Burlesque Tribute to Harry Potter, Sailor St. Claire's events are always memorable and entertaining.
In addition her burlesque productions, Sailor has worked with local companies and individuals to produce private shows for parties and galas. From monthly revues to museum galas to benefits for local charities, Sailor can put together a show for public or private audiences for any occasion. Able to work with any budget, Sailor can provide solo burlesque performance and instruction, an intimate show with only a few performers or a large-scale theatrical production.
Some of her clients include:
Kvichack Marine Industries
BMI Seattle
The Rockit Roost
Tacoma Art Museum
SIFF Cinema
In addition her burlesque productions, Sailor has worked with local companies and individuals to produce private shows for parties and galas. From monthly revues to museum galas to benefits for local charities, Sailor can put together a show for public or private audiences for any occasion. Able to work with any budget, Sailor can provide solo burlesque performance and instruction, an intimate show with only a few performers or a large-scale theatrical production.
Some of her clients include:
Kvichack Marine Industries
BMI Seattle
The Rockit Roost
Tacoma Art Museum
SIFF Cinema